Sunday, October 4, 2015

I Just Found Out I'm Not Dead Yet.

I have stage 4 low-grade ovarian cancer, and after surgery and 6 rounds of chemo, it's back. Statistically, I have only 2 years left to live. But I'm Not Dead Yet. And nor are you.
So why not have a little fun while we're waiting?

For those of you who don't have an expiration date, imagine that you KNOW that you'll be run over by a really big truck in the winter of 2017.  Like, you have a 99% chance of not making it until 2018.   What would you do differently with your spouse or kids or friends?  

One of the Great Questions is. . . 
Should you buy those sandals that only go with a couple of spring outfits if your chances of wearing them long-term are a little limited? 
Or should you listen to those "quality of life" urges that beckon you to slip your feet into those pretty heels so at least last trips to restaurants and doctor visits are spent without having to wear THE odoriferous tennies that you also use to muck out the barn?

Someone said to me recently that they thought I didn't take my cancer seriously. I take it DEAD seriously. And I have the deepest respect for all cancer people and caregivers and friends and families. I feel for everything they're going through, and their grief.

Which is why I think I can be a little inspirational in my blog. . .  I'm not dead yet. Nor are you. And when we're dead, other people won't be. So let's enjoy that. For now. 
("Ummh. . . you mean we should enjoy the fact that other people aren't dead or that we will be dead with other people enjoying it later?")     
and hopefully people will get my jokes sometimes.

Welcome to my first blog.  
About 730 days to go (or stay, depending on how you look at it).

Link to "Killing Me Softly" song on You Tube


  1. iNSPIRaTIoN for us ALL! Xxx fleder

  2. I eat sour cream that is past its expiration date. Lots of things, actually. So I don't put much stock in expiration dates. Just keep going, like a Greentree. We frequently surprise Us. :o)

    1. My muse! You inspired my Expiration Date blog. Thank you!
      Does sour cream go good?

  3. My kids are impressed "...really? Auntie PT has a blog...? That's so cool of her!"

  4. We're all facing the inevitable. I think I might look good in a leisure suit for all of eternity...only I wanna be cremated, in anything but Levi's. I always liked the idea of a sky burial. Lay me out and let the birds have at it. I'm working on a new, all original concept called "getting out of it". It should be a best seller.

    1. I'm cremating you in Levis even if I have to kill you.
